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 switch                  switch Statement

 switch (expression) {
     [case constant :]

    Switch provides a multi-point branch based on the value of
    `expression'.  `switch' evaluates `expression', then passes control
    to the case constant that matches `expression'.  If no case matches
    expression's value, control is passed to the default label, if one
    exists.  Otherwise, control is passed to the statement following the

      Notes:    Case labels must be unique.

                A case label must must be an integer or character
                constant, or a constant expression.

                When control is passed to a case label, execution
                continues on through the statements following that label.
                Be aware that execution does not automatically end at the
                next case label, but continues on until either a break,
                return or goto statement (or the end of the switch
                statement) is encountered.  For this reason, you should
                put a break after each case's statements--unless, of
                course, you want to flow into the next case.

                Multiple case labels may prefix the the same statement.

                The optional `default:' label need not be the last label
                in a switch.

                MS-C requires the switch expression be of type char,
                short, int or enum.  The expression type is widened to
                int before being evaluated, as are the case label values.
                This allows for 65536 unique cases.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           while (TRUE) {
               switch (getchar()) {
                   case 'a':
                   case 'A':

                   case 'd':
                   case 'D':


                   case EOF:

                       error("Don't recognize that code. Please try again.");

See Also: break return goto case default
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson